AAA administers two state-approved Florida scholarship programs for children with no eligible disabilities: (1) the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship (“FTC”) and (2) the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options (“FES-EO”). The same application is used to apply for both scholarships.
2025-26 School Year – Applications
New applicants: Our 2025-26 new scholarship application submission window was opened on Saturday, February 1, 2025 and will close on Monday, June 2, 2025 (date subject to change). Please click on the following link to access the application for new applicants only:
Renewing applicants: As required by law, our 2025-26 renewal scholarship application submission window was opened on Saturday, February 1, 2025 and will close on Tuesday, April 30, 2025. Acceptance or decline of the scholarship award is required by May 31, 2025. Renewing families were emailed an invitation on February 1 to apply as Renewal Priority applicants.
Important Reminder: Renewing applicants using their scholarship at private schools are required to upload proof of enrollment with each student application. Proof of enrollment must include the following: 1) The name of the school or its logo (letterhead), 2) the student’s full name, 3) the grade level the student will be entering, and 4) the enrollment date (including academic year).
Already submitted your 25-26 school year application? Click here to check the status.
Scholarship Management Platform (“SMP”)
We are excited to announce that our upgraded and improved SMP is back online for the 2025-26 school year.
Important Notice: New SMP account creation is required.
All users must create a new SMP account and password for the 2025-2026 school year. To ensure you have access to all the new features and improvements, it is essential that you set up a new account, even if you used the previous system.
Please follow the instructions on the login page (or email sent if renewal) to create your new account and get started. Thank you for your cooperation! We are confident that the new system will provide you with an enhanced experience.
SMP FAQ #1: I have received and accepted my student’s 2025-26 award. What is the next step?
ANSWER: Once your student has been found eligible for the 2025-26 school year, you will receive an email notifying you that a determination had been made. The next step will be the School Commitment Form (“SCF”) process. However, Florida SCFs will only become active once the state of Florida publishes the final award values (when the state budget is approved in late Spring). You will receive an email to log back into your SMP account to begin the SCF process at that time. Once you have submitted the SCF, your selected school will be notified to login to the SMP and complete their part of the process.
Have a question about the SMP? Please go to the Contact Us page of our website or leave us at message at 888-707-2465 so we can call you back.
2024-25 School Year – Applications
Our 2024-25 scholarship application submission window is now closed. The application submission deadline was Tuesday, September 3, 2024. If your application was submitted by that date, it will be processed in the order received. If it was submitted after that date, it will not be processed.
Your 2024-2025 school year application must have included one Household application and at least one Student application (including supporting documents) to activate the green “Submit Application” button.
You must have clicked on the green “Submit Application” button to submit your application to us for processing. You would have received an email confirmation from us once your application was submitted.
If you have questions about applying, please leave us a message at 888-707-2465 and we will call you back.
Already submitted your application? Click here to check the status.
¿Ya envió su solicitud para el año escolar 2024-25? Verifique el estado de su solicitud de beca basada en ingresos de 2024-2025 enviada*
*Cómo configurar la solicitud de beca en línea de AAA para que se muestre en español
**By law, dependent children of members of the United States Armed Forces may apply at any time for a scholarship, however, that does not mean that funding is guaranteed. If the link to the application is not available above, please contact us by using our Contact Us page or by leaving us a message at 888-707-2465 so that we may provide you with it directly.
If your address or email has changed since you’ve applied with us, please let us know on the Contact Us page and let us know or leave us a message at 888-707-2465.
3 easy steps for using your 24-25 AAA scholarship for private school
Step 1. Application Submission – Applicants must first submit their scholarship applications to AAA by the designated deadline and be found eligible.
Step 2. School Commitment Form (SCF) – Both the parent and school must confirm the student’s enrollment by submitting SCFs to AAA.
Step 3. Scholarship Payments (VR & PAF) – Both the school and parent must verify continued enrollment and attendance for scholarship payments to be released. See the scholarship payment calendar at the bottom of this webpage for important dates.
Want to learn more? Click here for more information about the 3 easy steps for using your AAA scholarship at a private school.
Have a question? Please let us know on the Contact Us page of our website or leave us at message at 888-707-2465 so we can call you back.
By law, foster and out-of-home care students may apply at any time for a scholarship, however, that does not mean that funding is guaranteed. Click here to access the 2024-2025 Foster/Out-of-home student application.
For the purposes of the Florida scholarship programs:
“Foster care” means care provided a child in a foster family or boarding home, group home, agency boarding home, child care institution, or any combination thereof, as defined by s. 39.01(29).
“Out-of-home” means a placement outside of the home of the parents or a parent, as defined by s. 39.01(55) which is further defined as the placement of a child in licensed and non-licensed settings, arranged and supervised by the department or contracted service provider, outside of the home of the parent, as defined by DCF Rule 65C-30.001 Definitions (82).
Students who are documented as foster or out-of-home care are eligible for priority funding status #1. Priority funding status #1 students will be funded with contributions from AAA’s FTC program first. If sufficient FTC contributions are available after that, students found eligible for priority funding status #2 will be funded next. The non-priority funding student will be funded after that. If insufficient FTC contributions are available, non-FTC funded student information will be submitted quarterly to the Florida Department of Education to request funding from state tax dollars (“FES-EO scholarships”).
If you have any questions or would like more information, please go to the Contact Us page and let us know or leave us a message at 888-707-2465.
More Helpful Information:
Here is everything you need to know about applying for an income-based scholarship
PEP/FTC – Purchasing Guidelines for 2024-2025
FTC and FES-EO Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for 2023-2024
FTC and FES-EO Funding Priority Income Guidelines for 2024-2025
FTC – Maximum Scholarship Award Values for 2024-2025 – scroll to bottom of page for more information
FES-EO – Maximum Scholarship Award Values for 2024-2025 – scroll to bottom of page for more information
FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent and School Handbook
Florida Foster / Out-of-Home Care Flyer
Collection and Use of Social Security Numbers
Visit IRS Get Transcript Website for copies of Income Tax Returns or W-2 Information
Link to order a copy of a Florida birth certificate: Birth | Florida Department of Health (
Video Tutorials for AAA Scholarship applicants
Need help locating a school near you? Try out our School Finder Map, visit, or our Private School Navigator may be able to help
FL Department of Education Private School Directory
File a complaint with the FL Department of Education about a school
Still have questions? Click on our Contact Us webpage to let us know or leave us a message at 888-707-2465.